
Review: The Whole Pregnancy Handbook: An Obstetrician's Guide to Integrating Conventional and Alternative Medicine Before, During, and After Pregnancy

The Whole Pregnancy Handbook: An Obstetrician's Guide to Integrating Conventional and Alternative Medicine Before, During, and After Pregnancy
The Whole Pregnancy Handbook: An Obstetrician's Guide to Integrating Conventional and Alternative Medicine Before, During, and After Pregnancy by Joel Evans

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Might be better subtitled "An Obstetrician Gutlessly Recommends a Bunch of Ineffective 'Alternative Medicines' that At Least Won't Hurt You." Or "In Which I Recommend Red Raspberry Leaf Tea for Everything Because It Is Totally Inert."

On the other hand, I was happy to see that the doctor-author recommends being very flexible about a birth "plan" and finding a real healthcare provider and then taking his/her advice.

Otherwise, it was definitely not useful to me at all. I was hoping to find some real information (medical studies, for example) about some of the "alternative" options (yoga, chiropractic, various herbs, acupuncture/pressure, diet, hypnosis for childbirth, etc.), and there was none of that. Just a lot of information about what those things are purported to do with some guidelines on what is proven to be dangerous.

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Review: Ender in Exile

Ender in Exile
Ender in Exile by Orson Scott Card

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is much better than the other recent Ender "midquel." Great craftsmanship as is usual from Card. I felt that it suffered from Ender being a bit TOO perfect and insightful. It made Ender a bit irritating and it doesn't fit with the earlier books (which come later in the in-world timeline).

And, as usual, Card has to fit in his Mormon apologetics. This time he points out that it makes total sense to be polygamist when the number of available women is disproportionately low. Um, sure.

Otherwise, I felt this was a good way to connect the Bean and Ender books, wrap up some loose ends from the Bean series, and set up the universe of the Ender series.

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Review: Shadows in Flight

Shadows in Flight
Shadows in Flight by Orson Scott Card

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

So-so. I really enjoyed reading this one, and it was very quick, but it was no. 5 in the series and suffered somewhat from being derivative. You've got the the loving-your-enemy thing, the travel through heating ducts, even a repetition of the Ender/Peter/Valentine trinity.

Still, there aren't many authors beside Card who could make such an action-less book so interesting.

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