
Role reversal

Kiddo is playing at the park while I look through the mail.

Her: Hi, I'm Mama.
Me: Does that mean I'm Kiddo?
Her: Yes, you be Kiddo.
Me: Okay. Mama, can you carry me home?
Her: No. You're too heavy; you can walk.



The kiddo likes to hold hands whenever we pray. That is our mealtime habit anyway, and something I occasionally do at other times as an aid to focus for both of us. She also tends to blurt out single words while others are praying, and I have never really figured out why. Well, turns out she is just thinking of other things.

T.G. was offering a bedtime prayer, and I finally heard the kiddo's contribution clearly.

"Jake! ... Tweasuh! ... Sword!"



I have tried to avoid bathroom-themed posts, but T.G. and I were both rolling on the floor last night while I was in the middle of a diaper change. (On that note, who has potty-training tips?) So you've been warned.

Me: Yikes!
Kiddo, matter-of-factly: It's ee-now-mus.
Me: Enormous?
Her, still serious: Like a pickle.