
Happy panic

Last Friday, That Guy got a job offer, so we're moving.  To Phoenix.  Bonus craziness: he has to be there on Sunday for a staff retreat.


So we're a little loopy around here (plus I just ingested way more caffeine than I've had in, um, yeah).  T.G. is going to fly out on Saturday, but I'll be sticking around for a few more weeks to pack/resign/sell the condo.  Extra special thanks to the parents and friends who have been volunteering to help and/or take our cheap furniture. (Please, take our cheap furniture.)

1. T.G. having a job!
2. Me quitting my job! (Which, don't get me wrong, has been a perfect job for me, but please see addendum 2 below)
3. Living near the Tall Relatives and Our Adorable Niece.
4. Living closer to Twin Sister and The Marine.
5. Living not-so-far-away from Mum and Pops.
6. Did I mention I'm quitting my job?
7. Swimming pools EVERYWHERE.
8. Big-city library system.
9. Real mountains not so far away.
10. The Grand Canyon.
11. Oh, I forgot: I'm quitting my job.
12. Cross country road trip!
13. No humidity
14. Probably better for T.G.'s allergies.

1. Hot weather/no winter/where are they keeping the grass?
2. Having to retire my turtleneck collection, and what do I do with all six of my winter coats?
3. Living WAY far away from Mom, Dad, Eldest Sister and Mr. Currently-Doing-Research-in-Germany.
4. It isn't Minnesota.
5. Cross country road trip.
6. I don't think the cucumber plants will want to move with us.

Addendum 1: Sorry to anybody who is reading this whom I probably should have called/e-mailed.  I can't remember who knows what right now.

Addendum 2: Have I mentioned that I'm pregnant, due in January?