
Saturday morning at our place

Me: We should have a waterproof thesaurus.
Him: A what?
Me: A waterproof thesaurus.
Him: A waterproof thesaurus?
Me: So we can look words up in the shower.
Him: Oh, I thought you were talking about a dinosaur.


Jenifer Hanson said...

Ok, the part I find most interesting is that you feel a need to look words up in the shower!

Jenifer Hanson said...

Ok, BTW, even though it calls me Shirley's Family, it is actually me, Ben's aunt Jen!

MagistraCarminum said...

LOL! I can just imagine it! And a waterproof thesaurus is a brilliant idea...

Kathryn said...

I love this. :-) Not just the part about you being adorably nerdy... but also the part about Finn thinking you were talking about a dinosaur! Oh I'm so glad I found your blog; I didn't know you had one! *little bounce of joy*