
Happy panic

Last Friday, That Guy got a job offer, so we're moving.  To Phoenix.  Bonus craziness: he has to be there on Sunday for a staff retreat.


So we're a little loopy around here (plus I just ingested way more caffeine than I've had in, um, yeah).  T.G. is going to fly out on Saturday, but I'll be sticking around for a few more weeks to pack/resign/sell the condo.  Extra special thanks to the parents and friends who have been volunteering to help and/or take our cheap furniture. (Please, take our cheap furniture.)

1. T.G. having a job!
2. Me quitting my job! (Which, don't get me wrong, has been a perfect job for me, but please see addendum 2 below)
3. Living near the Tall Relatives and Our Adorable Niece.
4. Living closer to Twin Sister and The Marine.
5. Living not-so-far-away from Mum and Pops.
6. Did I mention I'm quitting my job?
7. Swimming pools EVERYWHERE.
8. Big-city library system.
9. Real mountains not so far away.
10. The Grand Canyon.
11. Oh, I forgot: I'm quitting my job.
12. Cross country road trip!
13. No humidity
14. Probably better for T.G.'s allergies.

1. Hot weather/no winter/where are they keeping the grass?
2. Having to retire my turtleneck collection, and what do I do with all six of my winter coats?
3. Living WAY far away from Mom, Dad, Eldest Sister and Mr. Currently-Doing-Research-in-Germany.
4. It isn't Minnesota.
5. Cross country road trip.
6. I don't think the cucumber plants will want to move with us.

Addendum 1: Sorry to anybody who is reading this whom I probably should have called/e-mailed.  I can't remember who knows what right now.

Addendum 2: Have I mentioned that I'm pregnant, due in January?


MagistraCarminum said...

Thank you for making me smile with this! I am so excited (amd slightly overwhelmed) with you!

Jenny said...

Hi Elsa,
This is Sarah's mom and Chris's friend! ;) We are in St. Louis and if you need a way station, we are right off the interstate and would be delighted to help out.


Jenny said...

PS Congratulations on 1) quitting your job and 2) on expecting the newest Finnegan!


Unknown said...

Also woooo for quitting dumb jobs. That stuff's the awesome.