
Worst nightmare

The kiddo was playing with my last remaining film canister (I figure I need to keep one for history class, some day). She was in the living room, I was unloading the dishwasher, and then she came into the kitchen.

The film canister was full of water, and she was drinking out of it.

It had to have been toilet water.


Emily M. said...

My family delights to tell the story of how I ate a grape out of the toilet when I was older than that. I had a little brother, so I had to have been three. It had been in there all day. All three of my big kids have drunk out of the toilet, and Susie used to suck on the cap that goes over the screw that screws the toilet into the floor. I just try to not think about it too often.

MagistraCarminum said...

Well, look at it as another motivation to keep those toilets clean! Her daddy didn't drink out of it (that I know), but one time when he and a little friend became very quiet, we found them baptizing their "babies" in it.