
Preparing for Thanksgiving...

So I neglected to post something yesterday, but I have a great reason!  I was in the kitchen all day, resulting in:

Two roast chickens
Stuffing (out of a box)
Mashed potatoes (from powder)
A stuffing/mashed potato/chicken/gravy hotdish
About 3 quarts of chicken broth
Apple-sour cream bars (actually made with yogurt instead of sour cream)
Pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting

I also hand-washed about 7 sink's-worth of dishes because the newly-installed dishwasher was leaking.  But that should be squared away now; keep your fingers crossed, and maybe there won't be a pool of water on the floor when I get home.

I also did all the laundry, cleaned the kitchen and living room, and wrapped a few presents in preparation for our Thanksgiving trip tomorrow.  Why do I feel it necessary to clean the whole condo in order to leave it?  Color me mystified, but there it is.

That cream cheese frosting recipe can be found right here, posted, incidentally, on one of my very favorite blogs.

In other news, my church is prepping for the annual Christmas concert, which was described in last year's promotional video as "a cross between Sigur Ros and Arcade Fire, all playing Christmas carols."  Come see yours truly on the flute AND in the choir. Below (assuming this "embedding" thing works) is this year's promotional video, featuring the Good Shepherd Band and an adorable blond-headed child.

1 comment:

MagistraCarminum said...

Yikes on the dishwasher ;-( Yum on the food. :-) Wish we could be there for the Christmas music with Jody et al. Miss you!