
Review: Faith Through Fire: Rwanda and Me

Faith Through Fire: Rwanda and Me
Faith Through Fire: Rwanda and Me by Randall Bennett

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I couldn't put this book down and finished it three sittings. I picked it up because I know Gary Bennett (his brother Randall wrote the book, but it's Gary's story) and because, due to his experience, the Rwandan genocide looms large in my memory as a time that I - eight years old - began to understand that there was evil in the world. I have a vivid memory of Melanie telling my mother that she sometimes watched the news in the hope that she would see a friend still alive.

The book was funny, touching, terrifying, sad, and hopeful. I cried (a lot), but it never seemed emotionally manipulative or sentimental. It's a great testimony to God's faithfulness in good times and bad. The pacing is remarkable, and the "flashback" structure that the author choose was quite effective.

Four stars because it could have used one more copy-editing pass.

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